How to choose the right view option (instant watch or just in time scheduling).

Our webinar platform has the option for 3 types of webinar scheduling: Instant watch, Just in Time, and Pre-scheduled times.

We will outline all below.


This is the option shown right here. Please note instant watch automatically disables just in time and scheduled times. So even if you have scheduled times listed, they won't be shown. With Instant Watch, the user will enter their name/email and be taken directly to the webinar watch room. 



The just-in-time webinar option will enable a webinar to start within 15 minutes of when the person comes to the page. You can choose to toggle this on or off.

You can see an idea of what it looks like on a landing page here:

Just in time can be used in conjunction with scheduled times, both will be shown together if both are enabled. Here is an example:


Scheduled times enable you to create events at a specific time that can appear as like live events. These can essentially function as live events since everyone can show up at a specific time and you or your team can be there to answer all their chat questions. The only part not live is the presentation. 

Scheduled-time webinars can appear alongside just-in-time webinars on the same registration page, or without.