Simulated chat upgrade as an amazing feature to boost engagement and increased conversions during all of your webinars. Whether you're doing a like live webinar at a set time, recurring auto webinars on a weekly basis or just-in-time webinars, the simulated chat feature for the webinar is a must-have. The simulated chat feature allows you to configure chat messages to show up in the live chat box during the webinar presentation at a certain time. For example, say you're noticing in your webinar analytics that users are dropping off whenever the offer is presented.

Using the simulated chat feature, you could set a chat message to pop up at that point in time and display a coupon to help drive more engagement and get more sales. It's super easy. To do this, simply go to the webinar edit page. Go to the live section and

scroll down to the bottom here.

You can easily add messages by clicking this button right here in interacting with the popup dialogue.

Once you've added your simulated chat messages here, they will show up in the live chat box when the viewer is watching your webinar presentation. And here's just a quick little sample of what that looks like.


So this is a great feature to have that allows you to automate all sorts of interactions with the people that are watching your presentations. And again, this can help increase engagement and drive higher conversions.